
This is how it works

Visit Luther trees in your neighbourhood and find small hidden treasures.

On our map trees with a Geocache are highlighted blue.


What is
Geocaching ?

Geocaching is a global treasure hunt for the whole family. The basic idea is to hide a container and to publish the position on the web. There are several kinds of caches. Traditional caches consist our of a container, including a logbook and small items (treasures). A GPS-compatible mobile phone or a GPS-receiver and the information published online will lead you close to the treasure. It is also part of the treasure hunt to let nobody know that you are searching for a treasure.

How do I find
a Luther treasure (cache) ?

See the map of all Luther tree caches. Each location entry contains additional information and a link to / opencaching. There you find the GPS data to the cache. You can also enter the geocaching platforms directly and type in the search term “Luther tree” / “Lutherbaum”.

The GPS data will guide you close to the cache. As soon as you have found the cache you sign in the logbook and leave a note on the Geocache website. With the QR-code on the container you receive further information about the Luther tree.

How do I create
a Luther tree cache ?

After having found a Luther tree in your neighbourhood and collecting information you can create a cache by yourself. Therefor you need a small weatherproof container. Hide the container at the tree or close to it. Create an entry with the GPS position at / opencaching and send further information about the tree to us (link to registration form below).

You can add a text about you and your tree or make a film clip (3 minutes maximum). We publish it on our website as soon as possible. For the cache you will receive a sticker with a QR code from us. This code is linked to the tree-information on our website. You can affix this sticker to your cache.

Somebody from your group should be willing to check on the cache on a regularly basis.

Proceed to the
registration form »

How to find a

  1. see map of all luther tree caches: each location entry contains a link to / opencaching
  2. find the tree following the GPS data, sign into the logbook or leave some notes on the geocaching plattform
  3. following the QR code attached to the cache you can find out more about the tree

How to create
a geocache

  1. Find a tree, save the GPS data of the location and create an entry at / opencaching
  2. Find additional information about the tree and send it to us
  3. Receive a QR code which you can affix on your cache.

That is quite easy, isn’t it?
So let’s go!

Care and

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